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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Planning for Storms and Lowering Your Anxieties | SERVPRO of Harlingen/San Benito

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Harlingen/San Benito to help you recover.

Storm clouds are rolling in, thunder is booming—and everyone in your house is getting nervous. In our warm climate that is prone to strong thunderstorms, remnants of hurricanes, flooding and tornadoes, this may be a normal scene in your home.

There is one thing that everyone in Texas understands, and that is that we have no control over the weather. We can, however, control how we respond to the weather—including how we control our fears.

When we prepare and get our families prepared, we can rest a little easier knowing that every storm will be approached with a little more calm.

Knowing What to Look For

Kids love to look at clouds and find all the shapes they can, so why not use this as a jumping off point to teach a lesson in storm safety. Talk to your children about what storm clouds look like.

Make sure they understand they may be fast-moving, green, blue or black, and they may or may not come with thunder. Show them examples of funnel clouds or what it looks like when the clouds start to spin. Help them understand how clouds can be the first sign it is time to find a safe space.

With the number of tornadoes and other strong storms we experience, there is a good chance you can hear a siren from your house. When the closest warning siren is going to be tested, make a game with the kids. Have them listen for it and see who can be the fastest to get to a safe spot. Make sure they also know the sounds of your weather radio as well so that at any warning they can respond quickly.

Preparing for the Event

If you don’t already have one, a great next step in preparing your family for severe weather is creating a family weather emergency plan. This should include creating an emergency kit and finding a safe place to go during an event.

The lowest level of your home is the best place to ride out strong storms and thunderstorms, but if flooding is possible, you will need to identify a safe place on higher ground. Walk your kids to these locations and help them understand to move to those spots quickly during an emergency, day or night.

Spend time together creating an emergency kit as well. Let the kids pick out some snacks that won’t expire, and gift them with a flashlight of their own. Make sure you have plenty of batteries, water and first-aid supplies as well.

When tornadoes or hurricanes are in the area, there is a good chance that power can be knocked out long-term. Keep candles, matches and some non-electronic games in your emergency kit to help distract your children. Some comfort items like blankets and stuffed animals are always a good way to calm smaller children.

Don’t forget to include many of the same items, as well as some overnight supplies, in a bag you can grab and go in the event that you need to evacuate during a storm.

Keeping Calm

For many of us, storms can be a scary situation to deal with. Weather-related fears and anxieties can be particularly challenging for the kiddos. The more prepared you can be and the more lighthearted you can be about your preparation, the easier getting through an emergency will feel for everyone. Make your kids feel safe by letting them know that most homes only experience mild damage in severe weather.

Understanding the warning signs, what to do about them and the most common kinds of damage that result from severe weather is a great way to keep everyone calm during any event. Be prepared and ride out every storm confidently.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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